Laccoin Alternative to Banking Industry

Laccoin is a Crypto that is supported by the Ethereum using a mobile wallet. Each user will have the option of exchanging their crypto and Lac token with each other via their mobile or wallet to spend their tokens or other Criptomonedas Lac through prepaid debit card Laccoin them. Laccoin wallet will be available for download through the IOS or Android market.

Another advantage of crypto over the existence of a currency is the speed of the transaction. Send money to a relationship in other countries through ex Itante the banking system requires a lot of time and money. The team believes that, with the use of Lacco's ecosystem, we can give people in the region of LAC with easy access to funds.

Many of these people will not normally reach by the current system. Blockchain technology, which is cheaper, faster and safer, is the best way to reach and include all the people who participated in the region, both in the traditional economy or new economy in the future. The idea of the team is to create a useful ecosystem to monetary transactions, which would be an alternative to the exotic banking system.

Why Laccoin?
• Delivery of expensive system
Solution # 1. Laccoin is an easy way to send an international money transfer to the holder of a portfolio of other Laccoin.

To achieve at least the Agency.
Solution # 2. Access to banking services and a new Criptomoneda card payment system through the use of mobile devices that will result in the penetration rate is more important than the bank.
• Inability to access loans through traditional financing mechanism to launch projects for commercial or personal projects.

Solution # 3. Enable and empower the citizens of the area to access micro-finance through non-traditional ways by creating credit scores through their Laccoin wallet.
 Not unbanked and not do for those who don't have access to complex financial vehicles to help build wealth.

Solution # 4. Index funds that will be open only to holders of a token LAC. Index funds will have a crypto very liquid managed to ensure a strong portfolio that meets the needs of the ecosystem of LAC.
ICO Details
Before opening the ICO to the public, we want to give potential investors the opportunity to meet and plan with key investors who want to buy Laccon. The team wants to allocate exclusive bond funds from the companies to these investors who see the experience and have been contacted to Lacco from the official stage.

ICO-Publìc-Stage 1
Lacco will have an internal supply of 390 million coins, 55% of which will be released to the public in three different stages. The first phase will have 33% of the total number of tokens allocated for sale to the public. Different additional bonuses will also be offered.

ICO-Publìc-Stage 2
The second stage of the ICO publication campaign will see 20% of the appropriations to be allocated to the public, of which 20% will be reserved for the allocation of bonuses.

ICO-Publìc-Stage 3
The third stage of the ICO publication campaign will see 10% of the appropriations to be allocated to the public, while none will be delivered for the bonus discussion.

Detail Tokens
 Description Detail: Provide bank inclusion for banks, non-bank services and non-bankers in LAC region and members of LAC region abroad
 Ticker symbol: LAC
 Token Background: LAC token is built on Ethereum Blockchain
• Date of sale of the token: November 1, 2018
 Token percentage: Available 55%
 The project status beta test successfully completed
 Currencies accepted for tokens: ETH
Looking at the technology of the equation, the blockade and the Criptomonedas have the power to solve the problems that have plagued the less stable members of the LAC region.
It would be naive to think that the same problems faced by the traditional trust and the deadly financing system will not be found by the community of crypto

Laccoin Purse
The LAC Wallet is the answer to the lack of background of the Mafia and other financial authorities described previously. By using the smartphone, users will be able to send money freely to other people and businesses throughout the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition to debit cards, users will have the ability to pay not only their wallets or a QPR code but also purchase items in millions of acceptance points around the world and in cryptographic stores. They will be able to use other LAC tokens with their wallets or other multi-currency currencies that they'll admit.
Debit cards

Each Lac wallet user has the option to apply for a Lacco debit card that works in conjunction with the wallet. In fact, prepaid debit cards are more accessible to people in the LAC region compared to real debit cards, and the emphasis will be on debit cards.
The symbology between the wallet and the debit or credit cards of Lacco makes the user access certain block assets: ER20 supports Ethereum, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Flashlight (LTC) and Lacco (LAC) or another public book. Assets that are in demand. The Laccon wallet can be financed through the bank. In addition, users who do not have access to banking and without access to banking services can charge their wallets in ATM, from where they can transfer funds to their Lacco wallet. Lacco will work properly with VІSA and Mastercard to provide the best options available to LAC credit card users.
• Multi-Active (any blockchain asset supported and accepted by Laccoin Wallet)
• Assets remain  in Laccoin Wallet
• Decentralized and trusted storage
• Strong security features to control the physical and virtual card

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