INSCOIN First Insurance Company That Will Merge The Real World With The Digital One Using Blockchain

INSCOIN The insurance segment is the most important, growing industry, which is fully open for the introduction of innovative technologies. Any modern business is difficult to imagine without insurance-it is a kind of guarantee of safety for all. Existing algorithms of action of insurance companies are difficult to name ideal-there are a lot of various problems, and also shortcomings with which it is impossible not to be considered. There are a lot of studies that show the flaws of the modern system-insurance fraud is rapidly developing, companies incur huge losses.
The representatives of KNOX Insurance company decided to take advantage of the revolutionary solution-to unite the possibilities of the digital as well as the real world to solve most problems existing in the insurance segment. The use of blockchain contributes to the creation of an advanced, most effective structure that will eliminate the existence of various fraudulent schemes, fake policies, and other existing troubles. Insurance policies provided by the company will be duplicated in the electronic version-intellectual contracts allow protecting policy owners from serious problems. Their data will be reliably protected from fraudsters.

The parties involved will be obliged to comply with all the conditions of the contract-the automated insurance system eliminates the human factor that will not allow to influence the contracts and adjust them. This is what developers inscoin-this token will become the central currency of the new project, promising become a revolutionary solution in the insurance segment.

The developers have global plans-they want to create several terrestrial insurance companies that will work in Dubai, Switzerland and other countries. It will allow to attract clients to offices, to compose contracts, and also to duplicate them in a digital kind.
It is worth highlighting the main advantages of using blockchain, as well as intellectual contracts. What the platform clients get:

Paying the specified amount, clients receive a reliable insurance policy. Inscoin The intellectual contract gives a unique opportunity to protect itself from false documents, this is what many unscrupulous insurers sin.

Each client can check his/her policy at any convenient time-it is not necessary to visit the office of the company. Everything will be available electronically. This approach makes it much easier to work with documents;

A high-quality mobile platform will be created, which allows customers to view the features of the company itself, it offers, as well as to select the necessary services, basing on their own preferences.
Insurance Companies:
Intellectual contracts allow to receive all payments in due time, it promotes absence of problems with bonuses and other payments within the company;

Application of blockchain technology excludes any fraudulent schemes, clients get confidence that they cooperate with an honest, modern company;
The security system will become more perfect, as well as the speed of execution of all necessary transactions. Clients, as well as companies providing services, can count on the fast fulfillment of all initial conditions of cooperation.

Commissions will be distributed really quickly and fairly. Each broker will be able to expect to receive remuneration in accordance with the work performed;
A quick check of all transactions and contracts, administrators promptly confirm the correctness of the actions performed; No fraud-brokers are obliged to act honestly to expect to receive profit.

What's next
Inscoin developers are going to attract new investments to the project in order to create a new exchange decentralized platform. This requires you to obtain some licenses. 

Brokers will be able to create individual profiles, as well as personal purses to work with cryptocurrency;

The customer base will be available at any time, brokers will be able to personalize it, create separate profiles for each client and its requests;
The internal platform will allow clients to use tokens in order to perform any required operations within the ecosystem itself.
While the developers hope to attract investors already existing advantages-Icopokazhet the success of such a promising project.
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