Qurrex - One of the main problems of exchanging cryptocurrency is that they do not provide high speed as conventional exchanges.

In addition, market participants face the problem below:
 low liquidity
 No API or Protocol to connect to the system.

If the transaction is conducted via direct message, increasing latency to complete the transaction. Despite the automated system, there is always a delay in the process of achieving a market price in the market.
 operating speed in many projects depend on the speed of the network blockchain, as well as the speed of the reconciliation of the two parties of the transaction confirmation.

Qurrex platform will provide market participants with a friendly user interface, high-speed data connections, and technical analysis.
Unlike many Exchangers and exchanges, a Qurrex platform designed for high-frequency trading transactions and activities vary. This is ideal for many industry experts and investors.

Qurrex Exchange is also the first hybrid digital currency exchange, which will serve the industrial infrastructure by integrating with traditional stock exchanges within the network is entirely decentralized.

This platform was created by professionals for professionals. The creator's project seeks to share their unique and profound experience in creating and operating a service with a high load of the stock exchange.

There are also a number of key features that allow the Qurrex platform to be different from the closest competitors.
When it comes to platform performance, the Qurrex ecosystem can handle up to 70 000 transactions per second. It is reported that there is regular testing of the system load with user participation.

From the point of view of social trading, the Qurrex traders ' community has demonstrated effective management of each user's trading account, as it is evaluated and verified by strict standards of the service itself.

Any trader who opens his own trading account in the Qurrex system can be absolutely sure that he can make a profit using artificial intelligence and trading signals about the market situation. The platform will have a training section (to test Your skills) and a database with all the necessary information for a comfortable trade.

Yes, and do not forget about online support and a forum of like-minded people, where you can find answers to your questions.
Speaking about the functionality of the system, it is based on clear algorithms and artificial intelligence, which are skillfully combined with a friendly user interface.

This includes automatic copying of different trading signals to users. There is also a wide range of analytical tools and diagrams. The high-speed advanced API development tool uses a fast network socket and a REST to integrate Qurrex with other resources.

The Qurrex team includes professionals with experience in the development of the stock Exchange infrastructure, investment banking and business development.

Ticker: QRX
Blockchain: ERC20
Total tokens: 70 million.
For sale: 55 million.
Country of registration-Cayman Islands
ICO Dates: June 10-June 30, 2018

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