Payportal is to rise sufficient capital to execute our plans

PayPortal -existing in India Company based on private property, which was established back in year 2011 and now provides services to implement payments to providers of telecommunications, utilities, public and other services. Currently, the company operates in Delhi and interacts with 80 different distributors and retailers in 2300.

Description of the platform
A PayPortal platform is a mobile application and Web service that combines banking, operators of mobile communications and digital television, public utilities and State-owned enterprises through a single Wallet Purse. binds to the user phone number system and does not require additional identification. This provides high safety of funds and to restore access to funds in case of their loss.

Use of the platform has the following advantages:
 retailers no longer have to think about how to arrange payment and collection expected to fetch or transfer of funds.
 using an existing application, you can connect to your existing credit cards, make transfers between different accounts, buy goods and services from companies cooperating with PayPortal.
 Operation by means of a bank transfer of funds is held for a few seconds. Transaction history is also saved with the ability to export in a variety of applications.
 the program allows you to participate in marketing promotions aimed at attracting new and old customers.
 Committed transactions are confirmed via short text messages, which provides additional control and security of financial transactions. The platform is not dependent on the equipment used. Users can access the wallet or make payments through the Web interface on the desktop or on the phone.

Token PayPortal
One of the main objectives of the PayPortal-hardening positions in the market of India to implement the plans set out by the company's management, as well as expanding the range of services. The strong position gives the possibility to acquire new customers and expand the range of firms whose services can be paid for through the service. In addition, from the placement of the tokens would use the funds to expand services. In addition to Delhi PayPortal will provide services in Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

A token called PPTL planned ERC20 platform for further development of the project. It can be seen as a token of loyalty, which will allow investors to show their affiliation to the project and participate in its development. In the process of distribution of tokens planned to sell 20 million units at a price of 0.0002 ETH for one unit. Soft-Cap ICO is 3000 esters, hard cap-24 thous.

The conclusions of the
The payportal-local project, which is of great importance for the Indian market in terms of improving the quality of electronic payment services. The successful holding of the ICO will allow the company to one of the three largest companies in the local market, providing services in this area.

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